Rise Above the Noise
Karen and I are joined by our friend Taylor and you can even see me sing!
It’s time to accentuate the positive. As we’ve all been confronted by the challenges these last few months and much of the negativity we see in the news, you’d be excused if you weren’t feeling overly optimistic about the future. However, President Lincoln’s experience offers us a powerful lesson of how when we rise above the negativity, when we believe in ourselves and remind ourselves that all good things require patience, we can create our own narrative and positive legacy. So, in this moment, we silence the critics and the pessimists, working to find the common ground and positivity that will restart our communities, creating new positive legacies.
Known as one of this country’s greatest presidents and most formidable leaders, Abraham Lincoln is a man whose legend continues to inspire generation after generation. Yet beyond his mystique, President Lincoln was a man who faced incredible adversity throughout his life, both before and during his presidency. He lost his mother at a young age, battled depression, and even lost his own son while serving as President, on top of the enormous stress that comes with the office. Yet through all this, he persevered and fought his personal and political battles, eventually keeping this country united during what undoubtedly was and still is the most divisive conflict in our history. He rose above hardship and misfortune to meet the challenges he faced and in turn, created a timeless and powerfully inspiring legacy.
Revitalization Gains Momentum - Newport Opera House Goes Big Time!

This past week in my hometown of Newport, NH, our revitalization efforts gained significant momentum as the Newport Opera House was awarded a grant of $181,071 for ‘state of the art’ lighting, sound and projection equipment. This will allow Newport to host tribute bands and bigger acts, screen movies, and help launch a theatre management internship program. These equipment upgrades will make Newport’s Opera House a regional attraction by bringing more people to Newport’s historic downtown. Great work!
Funding comes from a local grassroots fundraising effort and the CDFA Tax Credit Program which provides grants in the form of tax credit equity. Businesses that pay New Hampshire businesses taxes can support this transformational project by purchasing tax credits from the Newport Opera House. Visit www.newportoperahouse.com or email Executive Director Meg Cowan at meg@newportoperahouse.com to learn more!
True Symbols of Courage and Opportunity

When I go out for a run through the neighborhoods of Portsmouth, I enjoy posting wonderful displays of our American flag I come across to social media. From porches to firehouses, the symbol of our great country waves proud and reminds us to remain determined.
A wonderful piece in the New Hampshire Union Leader by veteran Al Heidenreich highlighted a great quote by one of our nation’s founders - George Washington. “We take the stars from heaven, the red from our mother country, separating it by white stripes, thus showing that we have separated from her, and white stripes shall go down to posterity representing liberty.” What a powerful statement and so true. Our flag is the symbol of hope, opportunity, and determination to overcome. And so are the thousands of veterans across our country, who no matter what, the responsibilities to our country never end.
Veterans and members of American Legion posts across the country are at the forefront of supporting our local communities. From baseball leagues, to car shows, honor guards, and advocating for those in need, these patriots never stop fighting for what makes our country so great.
During this pandemic, American Legion Posts were forced to close but it didn't stop members from doing their part. On Memorial Day they organized safely distanced ceremonies to honor those who gave their lives in service of the country. While they weren’t able to lead parades in the usual fashion, legion members still honored and spread the word of civility and patriotism.
The 2020 Flag Day Ceremonies were extra special for legion members. As they do year after year, they honor our flag and here in New Hampshire. The Sweeney Post American Legion organization located in Manchester, NH, re-opened its post to its members in accordance with social-distancing guidelines. This amazing day brought members back together, veterans a chance to honor our country, and salute one of their own for their service. The dedicated legion members continue to show again and again how overcoming obstacles is achievable through passion and honor.
Like so many, Karen and I are proud of our veterans and the service they give time and time again.
Positive Profile of the Week – Cody Morrison:

I’m excited to honor Cody Morrison in our Profile of the Week. Cody has spent the last year and a half working to make my hometown of Newport, NH a better place as Economic Development Coordinator. He has been instrumental in Newport’s revitalization efforts by being a leader in business and workforce development efforts. Cody has had many achievements in Newport. He has helped rebuild infrastructure and accelerate downtown revitalization efforts by securing nearly $700,000 in grants, brought new industry to Newport, led Newport High School’s School to Work Program, and coordinated personal protective equipment production during the COVID-19 pandemic.
A native of New Hampshire’s North Country, Cody’s entrepreneurial spirit developed at a young age through his upbringing on a first-generation dairy farm, a nearly impossible feat in modern times. The farm was also the first to be certified organic in the State of New Hampshire! This long-held persistence helped lead to a successful career in government and politics through his work with New Hampshire’s Executive Council, nonprofits and economic development efforts in Newport. Cody is a tireless advocate for the community and helping people navigate government and his exemplary leadership is an incredible illustration of what can be done with hard work and perseverance.
Positive Quotes of the Week: Accentuate the Positive

“You got to ac-cent-tchu-ate the positive E-lim-i-nate the negative And latch on to the affirmative Don't mess with Mr. In-Between”
Johnny Mercer
“I am suggesting that as we go through life, we 'accentuate the positive.' I am asking that we look a little deeper for the good, that we still our voices of insult and sarcasm, that we more generously compliment and endorse virtue and effort.”
Gordon B. Hinckley
“I'm a big cockeyed optimist. I try to accentuate the positive as opposed to the negative.”
Betty White
“Stop being a critic and be a light; don't be a judge, be a model. I think we are far too critical. I think the best way to correct behavior is to accentuate and affirm positive behavior and to ignore negative behavior. Generally speaking, there is a time to correct, of course; but my biggest advice would be, 'Affirm your child.”
Sean Covey
“I think my philosophy in music has been to accentuate the positive.”
Mike Love
“I just felt it was my job to show that there is no easy way to success, and that anyone who gets even just one Top 40 hit deserves their moment in the sun. I accentuate the positive and eliminate the negative. That is the timeless thing.”
Casey Kasem